Financial Guidance - Ohjaamo Vaasa

 Are you worried about your financial matters? You don't have to stay alone with financial concerns!



In Financial Guidance Centre you can discuss in confidence with experts from Kela, Social Services, Financial and Debt Advise Centre, Enforcement Authority, Welfare work and Ohjaamo.



You will find the Drop In service of Financial Guidance Centre in Tammipiha 23.1., 13.2., 6.3., 27.3., 24.4., 15.5. and 5.6.2025 pm 12-15. Drop in or call 040 482 6618. A visit at the Financial Guidance Centre is free of charge. 





In cooperation Ohjaamo Vaasa, Kela, Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, Financial and Debt Counselling, Ev. Luth. Church and National Enforcement Authority Finland.