in English - Ohjaamo Valkeakoski

in English

One door - many services. If you don't know where to start, start with Ohjaamo!

Ohjaamo is The One-Stop Guidance Center, a place where you can get help in matters related to work, education and everyday life. Ohjaamo provides information and guidance fast and based on need. Guidance is for persons under 30 years of age.

At Ohjaamo there are many workers who can speak in English with you. You can find more information in English on the "Services" -tab, after the Finnish text.

Apiankatu 4, bus station
Wednesday from 12:00 to 16:00
Thursday from 12:00 to 16:00

You can come in that time frame without an appointment.


PopUp – Ohjaamo in Valkeakoski Vocational College
Valkeakosken ammattiopisto, Vanhankyläntie 2
Every month, second tuesday
Tuesday from 10:30 to 11:30

PopUp – Ohjaamo in Tietotie Upper Secondary School
Library, Tietotie 3
See dates at instagram @ohjaamovalkeakoski
from 10:30 to 11:30


Guidance in Finances – Talousneuvola
Särpimäenkatu 27, 1A
third monday of the month
Monday from 13:00 to 16:00
17.2. | 17.3. | 19.5.


Contact us

You can also contact us and book an appointment.

Phone 040 335 7218 (calls, messages, whatsapp)


Appointment Calendar
You can also book an appointment in the Ohjaamo Appointment Calendar

Follow us instagramfacebook and youtube

