Front page - Ohjaamo Pori

Ohjaamo - One-Stop Guidance Center

What is Ohjaamo?

Ohjaamo is a One-Stop Guidance Center is a place for under 30-year-olds, where they can receive free assistance and support for various purposes from studying and employment to housing and everything in between.

You are welcome to the One-Stop Guidance Centers just as you are, in any situation!

Whether your issue is big or small, or whether you are in need of quick information or long-term guidance – One-Stop Guidance Center is always the right place to go.

The One-Stop Guidance Centers offer you assistance with various issues related to your own life, such as studying, finding employment, housing and welfare. A One-Stop Guidance Center will not directly provide you with an apartment or social assistance, for example, but you will get plenty of information and support for applying for these things. The services provided by the One-Stop Guidance Centers and the professionals who work in the centers vary slightly between localities. Nevertheless, all One-Stop Guidance Centers welcome all persons under the age of 30 with all possible issues: the One-Stop Guidance Centers can always help you and guide you forward.

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