Services - Ohjaamo Pori

Services of Ohjaamo

If you don't know where to start, start at the Ohjaamo. Find more information about Pori's services below.

Ohjaamo workers

Ohjaamo workers will help you with all the things on your mind. Your questions may be about education, work, everyday life or well-being. They are present at the Ohjaamo every day and can also serve you remotely. You can, for example, fill in a CV, find a hobby that suits you or talk about anything you need to know.

The Onni (Happiness) of the Ohjaamo

Onni offers psychological and social well-being support to 18-29 year olds throughout Finland. Onni provides support on an individual and group basis. Services are available face-to-face and online. Services are free of charge and no diagnosis is required.


Onni offers, for example, well-being and stress groups and online sessions where you can get peer support and tools for your everyday life. In addition, HOT change coaching involves meeting the young person face-to-face or remotely and working together to find steps to support the young person's well-being and mental well-being.

For more information on Onni's services and groups, click here. Contact details for Onni workers in Pori can be found on the Workers tab.

The Ohjaamo is staffed by experts in different fields, such as a Kela employee, a job coach, a study counsellor and an employment adviser from TE-office.