On this tab you can find current information about Pori's events and groups. We also inform about these on our social media channels.
Ohjaamo Pori has moved
The guidance and counselling centre for people under 30 years of age, Ohjaamo Pori, has moved to new premises. You can now find us at:
Yrjönkatu 20A, 28100 Pori.
Ohjaamo Pori chat
In Ohjaamo Pori Chat you can ask questions about any issues related to job search, studying and everyday life or talk about topics that bother you.
In the chat you will be answered by Ohjaamo employees who will listen, support and help you to move forward in your situation.
-Open Mon-Fri 12-14 (except for holidays and exceptions)
-For anyone under 30 years old
You can find the chat on our website.